Infinite dance

A biography of the clinical and human bodies. A tribute to Henrietta Lacks


Lorena Lozano


Laboral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial

dancer and performer

Sonia Gómez

Infinite Dance opens up a reflection on politics, rights and ownership of the body while paying homage to Henrietta Lacks, an African-American woman who, in 1951, had cells removed without her consent. These were the first human cells, HeLa, that could be developed in a laboratory and are still used today in biomedical research.

The installation shows images of the cell division and of the dancer Sonia Gómez during an rehearsal in which she performs an improvised choreography. While the biological sciences present the human body composed of separate parts, the work of the helping dancer tries to reconstruct it as a whole. The set explores the ways in which the biological sciences stubbornly pursue immortality and transcendence to death.

dates: 2011 Laboral Centro de Arte, Gijón. 2014 Festival FACyL, Salamanca.
scientific consultants: Marco Archinti and Chiara Castellazi.
artistic support: Tryona Ryan, Harald Melrose-Turek, Verónica G. Ardura, Cristina Ferrández, Pedro Soler, Paula Pin, Andrés Gómez andMarver Ediciones.
musicians: Bitchez Wit Dikz.


photography documentation:

Jardín Botánico Atlántico, MagmaSalud and Café Bar el Guetu.

Marcos Morilla.

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